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Author: Chews and Brews

Blood Orange Ale Vinaigrette

Blood Orange Ale Vinaigrette

Do you remember way back at the beginning of 2020 when I said that I would be back writing and creating recipes twice a month? Yeah, well, I didn’t exactly take into account that a pandemic would occur… I am not going to drone on about COVID-19, as it’s often all that we talk about now… But what I will drone on about is this blood orange ale vinaigrette! It’s perfect for all of your summer salads! It is so…

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Chews and Brews is 5 Years Old!

Chews and Brews is 5 Years Old!

Five years ago today, Chews and Brews was born! This little food and drink blog has morphed from a random food blog with writings of what I was eating or drinking daily into a more specific blog where all recipes I post are using an Alberta craft beer in it! Since narrowing down my blog niche, I have written recipes using beers from over 20 Alberta craft beer breweries. On top of that, I have visited over 35 Alberta breweries.

Mixed Berry Beer Muffins

Mixed Berry Beer Muffins

If you follow me, and I hope that you do, you will know that I am not a big fan of baking; but, you will also know that I have dabbled a little here and there in baking with beer! These mixed berry beer muffins have a blueberry wheat ale in them to help with flavour and whatever else yeast and bubbles will do for baking… see how much I know about baking? Not a lot… I know that blueberry…

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Grapefruit Beermosa

Grapefruit Beermosa

It has been above zero for a few days and I was feeling a little springy. The warmer air, especially after an asinine deep freeze of a week of minus 40, had me craving something light, refreshing and citrusy. The Grapefruit Beermosa did just all of that. Using beer to make a cocktail is something I have enjoyed playing around with, such as this Cherry Lime Beer-Aid.

English Mild Beer Bread

English Mild Beer Bread

A beer bread is an easier type of bread to make where you don’t have to knead it or let it rise. It comes out a bit more cake-like, but also tasty and …bready! The English Mild Beer Bread took me literally 10 mins to make and then an hour in the oven. The beer has yeast in it that helps the bread rise, which is why you don’t need to add any! Science! Pretty neat!

Salmon with Pilsner Asian Glaze

Salmon with Pilsner Asian Glaze

Happy New Year! We are in a new decade, 2020, and it still feels futuristic to me. Also, the 90s being 20-30 years ago seems impossible… how did time fly and how am I this old?! I turn 40 this year, which is both very exciting and unbelievable to me. Not only do I not feel 40, I don’t act it! I don’t plan to ever act my age, to be honest. That’s one of my resolutions for 2020 –…

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5 DIY Holiday Gifts Made With Beer

5 DIY Holiday Gifts Made With Beer

While receiving craft beer as a Christmas gift is always a hit for me (subtle hint for those out there that have me on their list!), customized gifts like custom anklets and handmade gifts like food and drinks can be really special, and these 5 DIY Holiday Gifts Made With Beer are quick, easy, and will be a great surprise in anyone’s stocking!

Kung Pao Beer Chicken

Kung Pao Beer Chicken

I love a good stir fry. It’s kind of my way of cleaning out the vegetable drawer in the fridge when there are peppers, celery, maybe some carrots or broccoli threatening to expire on me. I can quickly whip up a sauce, find a protein like chicken breasts in the freezer, and start a pot of rice, and voila, dinner is done! When thinking about a stir-fry sauce, I thought about how I could incorporate beer and then my stir…

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