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Category: Lunch

Orange Witbier Chicken Fajitas

Orange Witbier Chicken Fajitas

Everything we cook these days is on the grill.  It is way too warm to be hunched over a stove or oven, inside a stifling hot kitchen.  Instead, we sit outside, in the shade, throw food on the grill, and enjoy craft beers.  Summer isn’t my favourite season (gasp!), but this is my favourite part about summer; grilling outside (or smoking!) and enjoying summer craft beers like IPAs, radlers, and wheat beers.  And of course, if you don’t know by now,…

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Chicken Pasta in Creamy Beer Sauce

Chicken Pasta in Creamy Beer Sauce

I love pasta almost as much as I love craft beer, so making this chicken pasta in creamy beer sauce was a best of both worlds for me! When I was planning to make this, I was basically cleaning out the fridge. I had a few veggies, some thawed out chicken, a little carton of cream, and, of course, some craft beer. Using another Alberta craft beer from GP brewing, and the remnants of my fridge cleanup, I ended up…

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Red Rye IPA Mushroom Ragu on Flatbreads

Red Rye IPA Mushroom Ragu on Flatbreads

We bought this Cosmic Autumn Ryebellion Red Rye IPA beer in the fall and used it to make this Red Rye IPA Mushroom Ragu recipe back in the fall as well. Now that it is basically spring, and this was an autumn beer, the beer is out of production for the season. But really, you can use any kind of beer you would like for this recipe, and actually an IPA will make the mushroom ragu more bitter than one…

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Gose Beer Steamed Mussels

Gose Beer Steamed Mussels

Gose beer is one of those beers that is meant to be enjoyed on a hot summer day. It is refreshing, sweet and sour, and light. It also works perfect when steaming mussels! Basically, any recipe you have for mussels that calls for white wine, replace with a gose beer and you have Gose Beer Steamed Mussels! Easy, tasty, and fun!  I made mussels on Chews and Brews a long time ago – two versions in one post, both made…

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Beer and Lime Cauliflower Tacos

Beer and Lime Cauliflower Tacos

Cauliflower is kind of a big deal. It can be found on almost any menu these days: fried, roasted, in salads and soups, or as an alternative to carbohydrates as in cauliflower rice. I am not going to lie; I am totally the type of person that jumps on food-trend bandwagons and hangs onto them with all my might. Another trend that started a long time ago is “Meatless Monday’s” and we like to incorporate meatless meals on Monday’s as…

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Smoky Cheese Burger and the Canadian Food Championships

Smoky Cheese Burger and the Canadian Food Championships

If you know me or have been following along, you know that I won TGP’s search for Canada’s Best Burger back in March; and with that win, I received a spot in the Canadian Food Championships, Burger Category, in July in Edmonton! I chose my husband as my assistant (truthfully it was the other way around…), and I’m about to share with you the details of the amazing opportunity as well as share the burger we created – the smoky…

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10 Recipes for Cooking with Beer!

10 Recipes for Cooking with Beer!

Lately I’ve been on a kick where I want to make and publish recipes that have beer as an ingredient. Cooking with beer is something that seemed natural for me to incorporate into Chews and Brews. If you don’t know already, I really like beer; and I especially like craft beer. Craft beer has a lot more flavour, I find, and it is usually made with pure love and hard work. Brewers put everything they have into selecting the perfect…

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Citrus Spring Recipe Round-up!

Citrus Spring Recipe Round-up!

I posted a round-up of everything I have for rhubarb right on the first day of Spring and it was such a hit, I decided to continue on with this Spring theme and share everything citrus! These citrus Spring recipes are not just from Chews and Brews, but also from amazing food bloggers that I network with on social media all the time. I highly recommend you click on their blog links and check out some of their amazing work! Let’s…

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