Lime Basil No Churn Ice Cream

Lime Basil No Churn Ice Cream

It’s September now, and that, for some, is a sign of summer’s end. I know that for me, I am starting to think about putting away the patio chairs and mowing the grass once or twice more before the snow comes. Also my closet is starting to shift from capris and light t-shirts to long sleeves, pants and back into boots. But summer isn’t completely over yet and that’s why I am pushing out one more summer recipe; one being this awesome lime basil no churn ice cream.

After this post Chews and Brews is going to take a little break. I will still be working hard behind the scenes with recipe creation, food photography and content development, but you won’t hear much from me until late fall. I am 18 months into building this little food blog and now want to move into the next steps making it bigger and better than ever! I’ll keep active on all my social media accounts, sharing sneak peeks of what is to come; and I will be reworking some old posts, but other than that, it will be a little silent from Chews and Brews. So without further ado, here is the last summer post! See you in the late fall!

lime basil

I kicked off summer with my Orange Cardamom Chocolate No Churn Ice Cream and it just seems fitting to bring summer to a close with this Lime Basil No Churn Ice Cream. And honestly, you can have ice cream any time of the year, and the lime basil flavours here can bring you right back to a warm summer day even in the coldest winter nights!

The last no churn ice cream I made was a hit! It was a hit here in my house and on the blog! It’s my top performing post right now and still going! The best part is how easy (maybe dangerously easy) it is to make ice cream. The orange cardamom chocolate ice cream I made was inspired by a cookie I saw at a farmers market. The flavours for this lime basil no churn ice cream are inspired by a chocolate I had at Jacek, here in Edmonton. I thought lime and basil would be an amazing combination for an ice cream, and I have to say, I was right!

lime basil

Lime Basil No Churn Ice Cream

The instructions are still just as simple as they were for the orange cardamom chocolate ice cream.

Take a metal loaf bread pan and pop it into the freezer so that it’s nice a cold.

Poured the whipping cream into a mixer (I use my KitchenAid) and let it whip until soft peaks formed.

Meanwhile, juice and zest the limes and chop the fresh basil finely. Add the lime juice, zest and chopped basil to a bowl and mix well.

lime basil

Once soft peaks form on the whipping cream, slowly fold in the condensed sweetened milk. Add in the lime basil mixture and carefully mix so not to deflate the whipping cream.

Pour the mixture into the metal loaf bread pan. Cover the pan lightly with wax paper and pop into the freezer for 6 hours.

After 6 hours, your lime basil no churn ice cream is ready to enjoy!

lime basil

Lime Basil No Churn Ice Cream

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 6 hours
Author Chews and Brews


  • 500 mL whipping cream
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh basil
  • Juice and zest of two limes


  1. Place a metal bread loaf pan into the freezer.
  2. Pour whipping cream into a bowl and whip with a hand held mixer or use a KitchenAid mixer; whip until soft peaks formed.
  3. Meanwhile, juice and zest the limes into a bowl and add in finely chopped fresh basil and mix well.
  4. Once soft peaks form on the whipping cream, slowly fold in the condensed sweetened milk. Add in lime juice mixture and carefully mix well so not to deflate the whipping cream.
  5. Pour the mixture into the metal loaf bread pan. Cover the pan lightly with wax paper and pop into the freezer for 6 hours.
  6. After 6 hours your no churn ice cream is ready to enjoy!

What is your favourite cool summer treat?!

lime basil

8 thoughts on “Lime Basil No Churn Ice Cream

  1. Thanks Makos!! Yeah, sadly it’s already too cold here for ice cream – I hope you have a chance to try it out!! πŸ™‚

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